A downloadable game for Windows

You are on your last 20 days of High school. Can you get the highest score in the arcade game? Can you raise your stats enough to pass your exams or be able to talk to everyone from your class. Find out now pick the person you want to be friend and interact with them,


Main Game


keyboard Q    xbox X


Keyboard:  wasd or arrow keys , X box - left stick

Arcade Game

switching to back or forward shot

keyboard Q    xbox X

fire weapon

keyboard spacebar  Xbox A


Keyboard:  wasd or arrow keys , X box - left stick

Find the spots on the map that let you raise your stats. By simply studying, streaming, or even singing you can raise them bit by bit. Or just keep going to the arcade and play some good old space shooter. The choice is yours and yours along. To end a day quickly just go home and your day will end.

Sadly this version of the game was not 100% completed. Ran into some major delays on making the dialogue system took me a lot longer to get done then I thought it would

Current characters that show up in the game. level done to for affinity in brackets

Shane(1)0, Sarah (2), John(2),Phil(1)


Space between us - in a rar file 35 MB
Space between us - in a zip file 39 MB
space between us beta 1.1.zip 39 MB
space between us beta 1.1.rar 36 MB

Development log

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